I am not lazy..i just dont like waking up EARLY

1 Mar

I dont understand why people say i am lazy. I mean okay sure I wake up like after 10am sometimes and spend most of my time indoors on my phone, laptop or watching movies without having a decent job( okay i have never had a job before in my life). But thats normal right? Its  not like i am a bum or anything, just a girl that likes her sleep and not doing anything that requires me to go outside my gate and do stuff.

I woke up at 7am today it isnt going so well, my eyes hurt, my throat feels sore and I could swear I am coming up with flu. Now tell me is it worth it…i feel freaking awful and believe me i am never doing this again. It is my conclusion that waking up early is the number one cause of deaths among youths. I just need to prove it first.

People live longer when all they do is eat, sleep, shower, shit, Facebook, Tweet and make wordpress blogs (that other people may never even see or appreciate)

My wish is to get a ‘job’ that will make me rich but that i can do at home, in my bed…tucked comfortably in my sheets with loud rock music playing in the background. But I am guessing that is too much of a stretch, huh?

It would suck if i had to get a job in an office, and wear a suit and stileto heels…oh God NO. that kind of future would kill me.

So here i am, at exactly 9:30am and wondering what the hell i am doing up..the dreams i could be having right now. This reality stuff is just boring and stressful.

So No mother and father I am not LAZY. I am reserving my energy for the future when giant chickens and rodents take over and i am the planet’s ONLY hope.

4 Responses to “I am not lazy..i just dont like waking up EARLY”

  1. pattyamis March 2, 2012 at 8:11 am #

    now thts a cracker!!..like it..

    • dorcamis March 2, 2012 at 10:13 am #

      i hope you know i had you in mind when i posted this 😀

  2. sylvester March 3, 2012 at 5:37 pm #

    ok, i’m lovin this!!

A penny for your thoughts?? (I would like to know what you think)


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